Please look at the evidence
Originally Posted by
Simon Gardner
Thanks, I already knew what the authoritative sources say. :bang:
hI Simon
Please look at the informed evidence provided from several sources.
A Red Kite cannot possibly take (lift a new born lamb)
What the farmer saw was possibly a Red Kite lifting something, afterbirth maybe? as previously suggested. It is just not physically possible for a bird weighing 2lb to lift four times it's body weight!
It is this kind of rumour spread by farmers, gamekeepers etc that drove Red Kites almost to extiction in the past.
On holiday in Devon many years ago I was told by a farmer's wife that Crows regularily pecked out the eyes of Ewes so they would not see their lambs (not newborn ones) being lifted by other members of the Crows gang!!! (of course it's Rooks that go around in social groups - so much for the Farmer's wife expert witness qualities!) Unfortunatly some people get excited when they 'half see' something,add a pinch of exageration, stir with a good dose of imagination and there you go "it's true, I saw with my own eyes!"
I think the best indication of the Red Kite's is innocent is the evidence of the farmer on this thread who tested out the Red Kites predatory tendencies by encouraging them into a field of lambs with no threat or harm to the lambs what so ever.
If a predatory/scavenging bird could really lift four times it's weight, surely we would hear of Scottish gamekeepers being assaulted by Golden Eagles!