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Bumblebees are nesting in my garden!!!! (B.Terrestris)
The good thing about this is that's just what I wanted - the bad thing is that they had chosen a very inconvenient place - my green house, in the single planting space!!!
The story is that at the end of the year before last I broke up a very old bed which had lots of horsehair and padding in the base. I was planning both to slowly add it to the compost heap and also to see if it might be attractive to bumble bees (they like to use old mouse nests, so like their padding used!!!). Anyway, I wasn't well last year so it just sat inside my only partially-glazed greenhouse.
This winter it was used by Hedgehogs so although I thought about clearing it up earlier in the year, I didn't know when it would be safest to tackle it.
Last weekend I went in to clear it up ready for a load of Tomatoes that I have potted up, only to spot up to 4 bees at a time making their way into the heap..... which is not at one end, but right at the middle!!!
So - it looks like I will have to take out the staging on the other side if I want to plant into the ground... bugger!!!!! Still, it's fun watching them fly in and out.... and hunting about for a way in as they don't all use the same place (or maybe they just forget where it is :)