This was a bit of a turn up for the books. I was looking out of the bedroom window and spotted a large group of what, withough thinking, I assumed was an unusually large group of Wood pigeons. I took a snap, but was pleasantly surprised when I zoomed in to see that it looked like redwings. It was a group of about 70 in the tallest tree in the neighbourhood.
I was about to shut the window so that I could walk around and get a closer shot when a load started to fly off. In should have been disappointing, but they were flying in the direction of a stand of unharvested crabapple trees which had, in January's snow, been a feeding point for Redwings... and that's where they landed. It's literally just around the corner from me on the grounds of an old people's home.
They constantly flew back and fore between the large tree and the fruit trees... much to the chagrin of a male black bird