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Autumn Tints
Couldn't resist a photograph of this tree which has produced a multi colour of autumn tints all at the same time which fascinated me. Presumably the sequence is Green/Yellow/Orange/Red.
Any comments welcome. Also, if you can excuse my ignorance......what's the tree?
Wow nice range of colours on that tree :)
Certainly is, not sure what it is though Pete, any chance of a closeup of the leaves?
1 Attachment(s)
Autumn Tints
Rolf I just saw you ask Beryl for a close up of her 'Autumn' pic and have remembered you asked me the same about 'Autumn Tints' and I overlooked doing it......this should put that right. As you can see this is the green area of leaves and hope it helps in the use of your new book you mention to Beryl.
The 'blow up' does'nt help me hope it does you Rolf.
OK thanks Pete, will have a scan through later, although from looking through it earlier, a lot of leaves look the same. :) I'll give it a go though.