News from the RSPB site

Capture the South Downs and the wildlife that lives there for our annual photography competition

The South Downs is a haven for wildlife and an inspiration to us all.

That's why we are appealing to budding photographers to capture the area for our annual photography competition.

Prizes range from nest boxes to theatre tickets or a slap-up meal, but time is running out as the competition closes on September 26.

Competition organiser, Kathy O’Neill, of RSPB South East, said: “We are so lucky to live in the South Downs, and what better way to celebrate it than with a photography competition?

“You don’t even have to go that far for inspiration – there’s plenty of incredible wildlife to be found in the South Downs' urban areas, be it Brighton’s whirling starling flocks or creepy-crawlies in your back garden. Just decide what you love most about the area and snap away.”

The competition is open to amateur photographers of all ages, and is divided into under-16 and adult categories. The winners will be announced on October 23.
